Beverly Matherne

Internationally Acclaimed Poet

Selected Reviews of My Work

Bayou des Acadiens (Blind River).

Nathan Rabalais. Metamorphoses: 27.1 (2017): 192-194. (full review)

Lamothe-Cadillac: Sa jeunesse en France / Lamothe-Cadillac: His Early Life in France.

Clint Bruce. The French Review (October 2010): 203-204. (full review)

Le blues braillant (The Blues Cryin')

Jacqueline Chamberland Blesso, "Poésie et musique cadiennes: la sensulalité 'braillante' de Beverly Matherne. France-Amérique: international edition of Le Figaro, (29 janvier – 4 février 2000): 20.

La Grande Pointe (Grand Point)

Jacqueline Chamberland Blesso. The French Review (Winter 2000) : 593-594.

Other Work

Constance Gosselin Schick. Etudes Francophones. 12.2 (1997): 267-270.